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Year 3 & 4

Year 3 & 4 - Ruby Class

Farzana Hussain

Class Teacher


Russi Khanom

HLTA (0.6)


Alima Khanom

HLTA (0.4)


Shajia Begum

Teaching Assistant




Year 3 Autumn 1st half term

Year 3 Autumn 2nd half term

Year 3 Spring 1st half term

Year 3 Spring 2nd half term

Year 3 Summer 1st half term

Year 3 Summer 2nd half term


Year 4 Autumn 1st half term

Year 4 Autumn 2nd half term

Year 4 Spring 1st half term

Year 4 Spring 2nd half term

Year 4 Summer 1st half term

Year 4 Summer 2nd half term



Class Forecast

Year 3 Autumn 1st half term

Year 3 Autumn 2nd half term

Year 3 Spring 1st half term

Year 3 Spring 2nd half term

Year 3 Summer 1st half term

Year 3 Summer 2nd half term



Year 4 Autumn 1st half term

Year 4 Autumn 2nd half term

Year 4 Spring 1st half term

Year 4 Spring 2nd half term

Year 4 Summer 1st half term

Year 4 Summer 2nd half term







"Pupils have a strong sense of fairness and equality. They are confident that they can express their views and that their differences will be respected by others."

- Ofsted, 2019


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