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Governing Board


The governors act as an important link between the school, Tower Hamlets Education Authority and the local community. We are ultimately responsible for the running of the school. Although we leave the day to day running of the school to Rebecca Abrahams / Nimesha Nagahawatte, we have ultimate responsibility for the curriculum, resources spending and appointment and dismissal of staff.



Governing Body

The governing body is the school’s legally accountable body. It is accountable for the individual school to the local authority and, if relevant, the diocese or relevant religious body. It has a strategic oversight role.


As set out in the Governance Handbook, all boards have three core functions:


1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.


2. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of the school.


3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent.




Governing bodies may choose to have committees that focus on key areas of the school such as Finance & General Purposes Committee and Curriculum.& Standards committee.


The committees deal with much of the detailed work of the Governors, giving the full governing body more scope to concentrate on more strategic matters.   All Governors serve on one or both of the committees, and these committees, like the governing body, meet three times each school year. Committees provide reports on their work to the full governing body.


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee - This committee deals with finance, staffing and premises issues.  Among other things it prepares and monitors the school budget and considers value for money; approves the staffing structure and approves the pay policy; and covers health and safety and security matters.

  2. Standards and Curriculum Committee  - This committee monitors the preparation and implementation of the School Development Plan and improvement programmes; oversees the quality of teaching and learning; and considers pupil progress, including that of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, and any vulnerable groups.


Governing Body Members:



Martin Young
Chair of Governors
Health & Safety Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Governors

First Appointed: 11.07.2019

Term Start: 01.09.2023

Term End: 10.07.2027



Srividiya Srivathsan

Local Authority Governor

Nominating Authority: LA

First Appointed: 23.02.21

Term Start: 18.03.2021

Term End: 17.03.2025

Pink Blossom

Naffisa Ayub

Parent Governor
SEND Link Governor

Nominating Authority:  Parent

First Appointed:  23.03.23

Term Start: 23.03.23

Term End:  22.03.27




Nominating Authority: Ex-officio

First Appointed: 01.09.2020

Term Start:

Term End:


Caroline Hurley 2019.jpg

Caroline Hurley

Co-opted Governor
Curriculum Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Governors

First Appointed: 12.11.2020

Term Start: 12.11.2020

Term End: 11.11.2024


Fr Tom.webp

Father Tom Pyke


Co-opted Governor

Safeguarding & LAC Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Governors

First Appointed: 11.07.2019

Term Start: 01.09.2023

Term End: 31.09.2027



Sudhir Saseed Haran

Co-opted Governor

Golden Threads Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Borough of Tower Hamlets 

First Appointed:   21.03.24

Term Start:  21.03.24

Term End:  20.03.28

Contact: c/o


Claire Norton-Steele
Staff Governor

Nominating Authority: Staff

First Appointed:  

Term Start:  

Term End:  


Pink Blossom


Parent Governor 

Nominating Authority: Parents

First Appointed:  

Term Start:  22.11.22

Term End:  


Pink Blossom

Kiran Rahman

Parent Governor

RSE and Training & Development Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Parents

First Appointed: 17.10.2019

Term Start: 17.10.2019

Term End: 16.10.2023


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Faisal Mumtaz

Co-opted Governor
Diversity and Inclusion Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Borough of Tower Hamlets  

First Appointed: 21.03.24 

Term Start: 21.03.24 

Term End: 20.03.28 

Contact:  c/o

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Lawrence Houldsworth

Associate Member

Nominating Authority: Governors

First Appointed: 

Term Start:

Term End:


Pink Blossom

Vaughan Pilikian


Co-opted Governor

Early Years Link Governor

Nominating Authority: Governors

First Appointed:  24.03.22

Term Start:  

Term End:  


"The governing body understands the strengths and priorities of the school and carries out its role effectively. It has a clear strategic vision and provides appropriate challenge and support to leaders..

-Ofsted 2023


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