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Pupil and Covid Catch Up Premium

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Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to all schools to support disadvantaged pupils; those who are cared for, adopted or eligible for free school meals.

Nationally there is evidence which shows that disadvantaged children perform less well at school than others, creating an achievement ‘gap’. At Harbinger we are committed to ensuring all children achieve to the best of their ability and, in keeping with our school aims, develop into confident individuals, successful learners and valuable citizens. In order to achieve this, we use research and evidence to support decisions on how the money can be spent in order to secure best value and the most beneficial outcomes.


We refer to the Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit, the 2015 Pupil Premium Summit Report and “Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice” November 2015

We monitor impact to assess effective expenditure.


We understand that children may still be disadvantaged whilst not eligible for the pupil premium and that not all children who are eligible for pupil premium are disadvantaged. We are an inclusive school with high expectations of all children, and committed to ensuring equal access to excellent education for all.




Find out more about Pupil Premium funding on the website  here.



To respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and the potential loss of learning time that children experienced due to schools having reduced numbers on site and periods of self isolation for close contacts, the government has provided schools with additional funding to support enabling children to catch up.


As is clear in the Pupil Premium Strategies, the school always has a comprehensive array of catch up provision in place to support children in making additional progress since in ordinary times, there can be many reasons that explain why a child is not working at age related expectations.


As such, our Covid-19 Catch Up Strategy sits in partnership with the Pupil Premium Strategy as well as our SEN Strategies. It does not cover everything that we provide for Catch Up but describes how we will seek to spend that particular funding to complement the other plans we have.





"Pupils are enthusiastic, kind and enjoy learning."

- Ofsted, 2023

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Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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