At Harbinger Primary School, we aim to create an educational community where high standards of teaching and learning enable all children to develop as purposeful, independent learners. We aim to create a safe and inspiring place for all children at Harbinger where mutual respect and cooperation flourish.
At some point in their school career, your child may need some help to ensure they access the full curriculum.
The school SENCO is Jade Ellis.
The SENCO's role is to work with staff to address concerns and support children where needed. There is a wide variety of support available and we may at times seek support from outside agencies. If you have any concerns about your child’s development please speak to the class teacher first who will then refer you to the SENCO if appropriate.
Further information is set out in the documents below:
The Tower Hamlets Council local offer contains information about services that are available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets.
Educational Psychologist (EP)
An educational psychologist (or 'EP' for short) is someone who has been specially trained to understand how young people behave and learn.
Please watch the video below and read the leaflet to find out more:
Play and Language for Children In The Early Years
Please see the presentation on the importance of play and language in the crucial first few years of a child's life. There is also information about what the usual expectations are for children at this stage in their life.
Below is a video of the live session that was held on 27th January 2022 at school with a wonderful turnout of 28 parents.
It was led by Sean (Specialist teacher for Autism).
If you are interested in Parent Sessions that are offered at Phoenix School, please check their website for up to date course information and sign up using the attached parent permission letter.
Please complete and email back to this address:
Speech and Language Session with Speech Therapist
Below is a video of the virtual parent session that was held on 29th March 2022.
It was led by Katy (Speech Therapist). The session was run in English and Bengali.
"Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information clearly. They make adaptations to ensure pupils with SEND are supported to access the ambitious curriculum. Some pupils with more complex needs have a bespoke curriculum which is well suited to their individual needs."
- Ofsted, 2023