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Dragons' Den

Year 5 have been involved in a project called 'Dragons' Den'. Children worked in groups to create a project to serve the local community and present it to representatives from HSBC . Today was the final and Aaron Boland (Relationship Director) and Louise Russell form HSBC visited and judged the competition.

The teams were:

  • Scoot & Clean

  • Hech Tech

  • SFA (Safety For Everyone)

  • TSH (The Seven Helpers)

  • OUT (Outstanding Unique Team)

  • CAAE (Children And Adults Exercising)

The winning team was TSH and they will be representing Harbinger in the grand finale where they will be competing with other Isle of Dogs Schools.

"We had to design the powerpoint, logo, decide who does what and then present...sometimes the powerpoints weren't working...but I helped to cheer people up" Alisha

"When it was our time to present, we all felt really nervous but Laura taught us a breathing technique, which helped to calm us" Saira

"We were very nervous but people were helping each other" Zaina

"We were excited to find out the winners...we were happy that everyone got a certificate" Yusra

"If you try hard, you'll always achieve your dreams" Jay-J

Congratulations to everyone you participated, the children should all be proud of what they achieved in this project!

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